Project / The ASEAN Post
Task /  Refinement of Logo, Corporate Stationery, Identity Guidelines and Design Templates for the Newswire
Client / The ASEAN Post
Year / 2017
Digital Publishing by Serioustec


The ASEAN Post is a digital media organisation that focuses on regional news and business matters that will shape the future of the ASEAN region. 

The logo symbol was conceived by The ASEAN Post’s Founder and CEO, Rohan Ramakrishnan—a hummingbird with an exuberant tail that imitates the cursive—the art of penmanship.

Selecting a hummingbird as the new symbol for The ASEAN Post was quite brilliant—an unconventional choice for a newswire agency. We refined the original logo to make it look more graceful and precise, especially the Asean flags that formed the bird’s wings, and resolved some problems related to its reproduction.
— William Harald-Wong

Our team developed an identity around the logo and focused on the design templates for the website and mobile devices—the lifeblood of the organisation.

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